Witness 007, it would be a mistake to study Wikipedia, it is not authoritative and not used as a scholarly source. Better to go directly to those who have researched from the translations of the texts available who have a sound knowledge of the historical environment and the supporting archaeology. One such commentator on the subject whose impartiality is apparent, is the former Catholic researcher Thomas L Thompson. His first PhD dissertation was rejected by his adjudicator because it exposed error in Catholic doctrine...the adjudicator being Joseph Ratzinger who later became the Pope.(A story in itself on how the RC church defends its own doctrinal myths).
TL Thompson in his book The Early History of the Israelite People, Brill, 1992, discusses at length the scholarly arguments including the framework for understanding the gods which the palestinian tribes worshipped.On a site like this it is only possible to give oversimplified information on such remote matters. Most important consideration is who is doing what where and when. To be accurate it is not possible to say the Greeks did this or the Egyptians taught that or the Jews worshipped this god. Time, place, people and evidence must be determined first. (must go now will continue tomorrow)